Log Max LOG Mate 500 System
The rugged and compact Log Mate 500 is built from high quality components.
Seamless control
By developing a highly advanced control system specially for Log Max heads, Log Mate 500 becomes the perfect match for getting the most out of all Log Max products and accessories. Running features such as Active Friction Control and Four Point Measuring natively on Log Mate or having the ability to test and control all I/O are just some of a long list of features Log Mate 500 has to offer.
Rugged hardware
Built using rugged hardware the Log Mate 500 will withstand rough outdoor environment. The computer is IP65 standard compliant and has a Solid State Drive eliminating moving parts. The brand new communication modules are all built according to the tough IP standards. Log Mate 500 works together with the new StanForD 2010 forest standards.
One module is mounted on the head, two in the cabin to transfer and receive data and power to the harvesting head. They all feature standard M12 and Deutsch contacts. All communications are made over a two channel CANbus system.
More than just a control system
As the computer is Windows based it allows the operator to install programs for example GPS and internet connection. Thanks to the system being Windows based it makes it easier to administrate and update/upgrade the Log Mate 500 system.
Powerful production reporting
- Market's most powerfull multi-stemming reports
- Production per operator
- Monitoring and optimization of the machine's performance
- Average stem volume
- StanForD 2010 standard
- Online support
- Four robust components
- Multilingual
Website: http://www.logmax.com/